Articles in refereed journals
"Digital technologies and productivity: A firm-level investigation", (2023), Economic Modelling, 128, pp. 1-16 (with Chiara Puccioni and Ottavio Ricchi)
"Intermediated trade and credit constraints: The case of firm’s imports", (2023), International Economics, 175: pp. 201-220 (with Filomena Pietrovito and Alberto Franco Pozzolo)
"ITFIN: A stock-flow consistent model for the Italian economy", (2023), Economic Modelling, 119 (with Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Alberto Cagnazzo, Carlo Favero, Francesco Felici, Valeria Macauda and Cristian Tegami)
“Access to Finance and the Exchange Rate Elasticity of Exports”, (2021), Journal of International Money and Finance, 115, p. 1-23 (with Mi Dai Alberto Pozzolo and Jianwei Xu)
“Imports and Credit Rationing: A Firm-Level Investigation”, (2021), The World Economy, 44, n. 11, p. 3141-3167 (with Filomena Pietrovito and Alberto Pozzolo)
“Labor Force Participation, Wage Rigidities, and Inflation”, (2018), Journal of Macroeconomics, 55, 274–292 (with Marianna Riggi)
“Più Stato o più Mercato? Un'Analisi Empirica della Struttura Finanziaria delle Operazioni di Project Financing”, (2017), L’Industria, XXXVIII, n. 4, 459-493 (with Francesco Baldi and Giorgio Di Giorgio)
“Exchange Rate, External Orientation of Firms and Wage Adjustment”, (2014), The World Economy, 37, Issue 11, 1589–1611, (with Alberto Pozzolo)
“Assessing Policy Reforms for Italy Using ITEM and QUEST III”, (2014), Rivista di Politica Economica, volume 7-9, 211-243 (with Barbara Annicchiarico, Fabio Di Dio and Francesco Felici).
“Performance Pay and Changes in U.S. Labor Market Dynamics”, (2013), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37, 2796-2813 (with Marianna Riggi)
“Exchange rate, Employment and Hours: what Firm-level Data Say”, (2010), Journal of International Economics, 82, 112–123 (with Alberto F. Pozzolo)
"The Italian Treasury Econometric Model (ITEM)”, (2010), Economic Modelling, Vol. 27, 1, pp. 125-133 (with Claudio Cicinelli, Andrea Cossio, Ottavio Ricchi and Cristian Tegami)
“Italy’s Decline: Getting the Facts Right: Comment”, (2008), Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, (67)1, pp. 103-115.
“Pricing Behaviour and the Response of Hours to Productivity Shocks”, (2007), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 39, pp.1587-1612 (with Domenico. J. Marchetti)
“Price Stickiness and the Contractionary Effect of Technology Shocks”, (2005), European Economic Review, 49, pp. 1137-1163 (with D.J. Marchetti)
“Is Firm’s Productivity Related to its Financial Structure? Evidence from microeconomic data”, (2005), Rivista di Politica Economica, no. I-II, pp. 177-198. Ristampato in Malgarini, M. and Piga, G. (eds.), “Capital Accumulation, Productivity and Growth”, Palgrave Macmillan (with A. F. Pozzolo and Fabiano Schivardi).
“Productivity and Structural Reforms: Evidence on the Italian Economy”, (2005), RISEC- International Review of Economics and Business, 52, n. 3 pp. 367-393 (with Lidia Bagnoli, Marzio Galeotti and Ottavio Ricchi).
"Cross-Currency, Cross-Maturity Forward Exchange Premia as Predictors of Spot Rate Changes: Theory and Evidence", (2003), Journal of Banking and Finance, 27, pp. 183-200
“Investment and the Exchange Rate: an Analysis with Firm-Level Panel Data”, (2001), European Economic Review, (45)2, pp. 259-283 (with A.F. Pozzolo)
“Geographic Labour Mobility and the Cost of Housing: Evidence from Italy”, (2000), Applied Economics, 32, pp. 1899-1906 (with Luigi Cannari and Paolo Sestito)
“Domanda di Lavoro e Capitale Umano: Alcune Evidenze dall’Indagine Excelsior”, (2000), Economia & Lavoro, n. 1, pp. 37-54 (with Claudio Gagliardi and Roberto Zelli).
“Firms’ Performance by Type of Ownership: a Statistical Analysis”, (1999), RISEC- International Review of Economics and Business, Vol. XLVI, n. 1, pp. 101-124.
“La Previsione degli Investimenti Mediante Indicatori: Aspetti Metodologici e Principali Evidenze”, (1997), Rivista di Politica Economica, Serie III, pp.29-59.
“Mobilità del Lavoro e Mercato Immobiliare: un’Analisi Empirica per l’Italia” (1997), Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, n. 2, pp. 223-249 (with L. Cannari and P. Sestito).
Chapters in books and other contributions
“The Integration of Financial and Banking System in Macroeconometric Models for Policy Simulation”, (2023), di prossima pubblicazione in Guglielmo Maria Caporale (editor), “Handbook of Financial Integration”, Routledge (with Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, Carlo A. Favero, Valeria Macauda, Mara Meacci, and Cristian Tegami)
“L’Italia dopo il Covid: le sfide da vincere”, (2021), Economia Italiana, n. 1 (with Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte)
“Does Access to Finance Improve Productivity? The Case of Italian Manufacturing”, (2018), in Paganetto, L. (ed.) “Getting Globalization Right”, Springer Switzerland AG, pages 197-208 (with Adele Galasso, Francesco Gerotto, Giancarlo Infantino and Ottavio Ricchi)
“Fiscal Multipliers and the Risk of Self-Defeating Fiscal Consolidation: Evidence for the Italian Economy” (2017), in Paganetto, L. (ed.) “Sustainable Growth in the EU - Challenges and Solutions”, Springer International Publishing AG., pages 193-204 ( (with Francesco Felici, Ottavio Ricchi and Cristian Tegami)
“The post-2007 Developments in the Italian Economy: a Counterfactual Analysis with the ITEM Model”, (2017), in Paganetto, L. (ed.) “Sustainable Growth in the EU - Challenges and Solutions”, Springer International Publishing AG., pages 121-132 (with Francesco Felici, Ottavio Ricchi and Cristian Tegami)
“Effort and Hours over the Business Cycle”, (2014), in Paganetto, L. (ed.), “Wealth, Income Inequalities, and Demography”, Springer International Publishing, pages 229-249 (with D.J. Marchetti).
“Safety Margins in EU Budgetary Surveillance: an Assessment”, (2008), in Banca d’Italia (AA.VV.) “Fiscal Policy: Current Issues and Challenges”, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop at S.A.DI.BA, pp. 89-113 (with Lorenzo Codogno).
“Le Prospettive Finanziarie dell’Unione europea e la politica economica”, (2006), in Mosca, A., (a cura di), “Europa senza prospettive? Come superare la crisi con il bilancio UE 2007-2013”, Il Mulino, Bologna - Arel.
“Disaggregated Import Demand Functions for the Italian Economy“, (1999), in P. Kriesler e C. Sardoni (eds.), “Keynes, Post Keynesianism and Political Economy. Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt”, Vol. III, Routledge, London, pp. 510-526 (with Gianluca Cubadda and Stefano Fachin).